【同义词辨析】 2017-05-24 宣布declare-advertise

declare: implies explicitness and usually formality in making known: the referee ~ the contest a draw.    

announce: implies a declaration, especially for the first time, of something that is of interest or is intended to satisfy curiosity: ~ their engagement at a party.  

publish: implies the making public, especially through print: ~ed the list of winners.

proclaim: implies a clear, forceful, authoritative oral declaring: the president ~ a national day of mourning.    emancipation proclamation: 解放黑人奴隶宣言

promulgate: implies the proclaiming of a dogma, doctrine, or law: ~d an edict of religious tolerance. (doctrinedogma都表示教条,后者表示僵化教条the dogma that the king can do no wrong认为国王永远正确的教条) (edict: 法令In 1741 Catherine the Great issued an edict of toleration for Buddhism1741年叶卡捷琳娜大帝颁布法令允许佛教存在)

advertise: applies to calling public attention to something by widely circulated statements, often marked by extravagance or a lack of restraint: ~ a new model of vacuum cleaner.     (ad常缩写成advertisement)

declare宣布: 明确正式告知(an explicit,formal making known),announce也是宣布: 常表首次,引人兴趣好奇,publish出版: 表示通过印刷公开,proclaim宣言: 指权威有力清晰口头宣布(clear, forceful, authoritative, oral),promulgate颁布发布: 指宣布教导教条法律,advertise广告: 指广泛发布吸引公众注意某物(statement正式声明),常有夸张(extravagance,lack of restraint夸张缺乏克制)

记忆方法: 1)首字母想成3P A AD: 三人发广告<==宣布宣传

         2)宣布的意思是公开告知mean to make known publicly.